
How to choose high fat pectin and low fat pectin

Pectin can be divided into high-fat pectin and low-fat pectin according to the degree of esterification. Generally, the esterification degree of high-fat pectin is 65%-70%, and low-fat pectin is 25%-35%.  Which products should use high-fat pectin, and which products use low-fat pectin? Please listen to Chuanglian's edible rubber net.



ANZ plans to approve pectin and carrageenan as wine processing aids

According to the Australian Food Standards Agency (FSANZ) news, on February 20, according to the Australian Food Standards Agency issued a 06-17 announcement, it is proposed to approve pectin and carrageenan as wine processing aids. Request for comments as of April 3, 2017. This application was submitted by the Australian Wine Producers Association. The association applied pectin and carrageenan as wine processing aids to remove heat-labile proteins from the wine production process and act as clarifying agents. At present, ANZ has approved pectin and carrageenan as processing aids for some foods. ANZ Food Standards Bureau believes that pectin and carrageenan are used in wine production to meet technical requirements and will not pose a threat to human health, so no dietary exposure assessment is necessary. The use value of pectin and carrageenan is greater than cost.


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